Environmental Sustainability

  • From left to right:
  • Charles R. Lambert – Senior Vice President of Finance and Treasurer
  • Larry H. Portal– Senior Vice President, Senior Advisor to the CEO
  • R. Lucas Savage – Vice President, Head of Global Acquisitions
  • Edward K. Aldag, Jr. – Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
  • R. Steven Hamner – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
  • Rosa H. Hooper – Senior Vice President of Operations
  • J. Kevin Hanna – Senior Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer
The Board of Directors has an active role in the company’s overall strategies, including our corporate responsibility strategy and management of ESG risks and opportunities. The Board conducts an annual review of the company’s corporate governance practices and periodically reviews the company’s data privacy and security, and human capital strategies. Furthermore, the Board is responsible for overall risk oversight of the Company, which includes certain social and governance matters. To this end, the Board receives periodic updates regarding the company’s social initiatives and progress.

The Board has an Ethics, Nominating and Governance Committee, with specific responsibility for developing and recommending to the Board corporate governance guidelines and policies applicable to the company.

The management team, subject to oversight by our Board, structures, monitors and adjusts our data privacy and security, and human capital efforts in a manner that best serves the interests of the company and all of its stakeholders.

Each year, senior management reviews our long-range business plans. These plans consider, as appropriate, long-term sustainability implications.

We have established an employee led “Green Team” with responsibility for driving further environmental performance improvements across all aspects of our business. Members of the Green Team include representatives from various departments. ESG initiatives undertaken in 2021 included establishing relationships with various independent, third party experts to support efforts to measure energy use and greenhouse gas emissions data, to advise on the development of our future headquarters, and to enhance our ESG communications.

We have embedded an ESG performance measure in our executive compensation program to reinforce the importance of environmental responsibility.

Supported by management and Board oversight, we operate our business with a demonstrated commitment to the highest level of ethical conduct, everywhere in the company and every day.

We regularly review and update our policies governing ethical conduct and responsible behavior to ensure that we are employing best practices and are set up for continued success.
  • Corporate Governance Guidelines ensure the Company is governed in a manner that serves the interests of shareholders, colleagues and other stakeholders.
  • Code of Ethics and Business Conduct outlines our principles regarding fair, ethical and honest business dealings, full and fair disclosure, compliance with applicable laws, and our zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.
  • Employee Handbook outlines our general employment policies and work rules, including our equal opportunities and harassment policies.
Employees around the world are encouraged to share any ethics or compliance concerns with the Code of Ethics Contact Person. We also have a hotline for the reporting of any ethics concerns.

All reports are addressed promptly and thoroughly by the audit committee and Code of Ethics Contact Person. Anyone who reports violations of the Code is ensured protection against retaliation.

All employees, including management, receive anti-corruption training.